36.090. 1. The director, as executive head of the personneldivision, shall direct and supervise all its administrative andtechnical activities. In addition to the duties imposed upon himelsewhere in this chapter, it shall be his duty:
(1) To require the development of effective personneladministration and to make available the facilities of thedivision to this end;
(2) To develop in cooperation with appointing authorities amanagement training program, a recruiting program, and a systemof performance appraisals, and to assist appointing authoritiesin the setting of productivity goals.
2. The director shall assist the board in the performance ofits functions and attend board meetings.
3. The director shall:
(1) Establish and maintain a roster of all officers andemployees subject to this law, in which there shall be set forth,as to each employee, a record of the class title of the positionheld; the salary or pay; any change in class title, pay orstatus, and such other data as may be deemed desirable to producesignificant facts pertaining to personnel administration;
(2) Appoint, under the provisions of this chapter, and, withthe approval of the board, fix the compensation of such expertsand special assistants as may be necessary to carry outeffectively the provisions of this chapter, such employees to beselected upon the basis of merit and fitness and as otheremployees subject to this law unless otherwise directed under theprovisions of this chapter;
(3) Investigate the effects of this law, the rulespromulgated under this law and the operation of the merit systemand report his finding and recommendations to the board and thegovernor;
(4) Make annual reports concerning the work of the division,problems in personnel management, and actions taken or to betaken by the division to resolve those problems;
(5) Perform any other lawful act which he may considernecessary or desirable to carry out the purposes and provisionsof this law.
4. The director shall appoint, in full conformity with allthe provisions of this chapter, a deputy or deputies. In case ofthe absence of the director or his inability from any cause todischarge the powers and duties of his office, such powers andduties shall devolve upon his deputy.
(L. 1945 p. 1157 ยง 8, A.L. 1979 H.B. 673)*See also section 620.010 for additional duty for personnel division.