36.100. 1. The director shall ascertain the duties, authority andresponsibilities of all positions subject to this chapter. Afterconsultation with the appointing authorities, the director shall prepareand recommend to the board, and maintain on a continuing basis, a positionclassification plan, which shall group all positions in the classifiedservice in classes, based on their duties, authority and responsibilities.Except as provided in subsection 2 of this section, the positionclassification plan shall set forth, for each class of positions, a classtitle and a statement of the duties, authority and responsibilitiesthereof, and the qualifications that are necessary or desirable for thesatisfactory performance of the duties of the class; provided, that no planshall be adopted which prohibits the substitution of experience foreducation for each class of positions, except that, the board may determinethat there is no equivalent substitution in particular cases.Classifications should be sufficiently broad in scope to include as manycomparable positions as possible both on an intra- and inter-departmentalbasis, including both merit and nonmerit agencies.
2. The classification plan may group management positions withsimilar levels of responsibility or expertise into broad classificationbands.
3. The director shall require an initial and ongoing review of thenumber of classifications in each division of service and shall, inconsultation with the agencies, eliminate and combine classes whenpossible, taking into consideration the recruitment, examination, selectionand compensation of personnel in the various classes.
(L. 1945 p. 1157 ยง 11, A.L. 1965 p. 144, A.L. 1979 H.B. 673, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1146)