36.470. 1. Whenever any employee of the state of Missouri,who is employed under the provisions of this chapter, isdischarged from or shall voluntarily quit such employment, thehead of the department or division employing the employee shallupon written request of the employee, if the employment has beenfor a period of at least ninety days, issue to the employee, uponhis written request therefor, a letter setting forth the natureand character of service rendered by the employee, the durationthereof, and truly stating for what cause, if any, the employeehas been discharged from or has quit such employment.
2. The head of a department or division affected by thissection, who refuses to comply with this section, is guilty of amisdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by afine not to exceed one hundred dollars.
3. There shall be no civil liability for refusing or failingto furnish the letter herein provided except for willful andmalicious refusal to furnish such letter.
(L. 1971 S.B. 31 ยง 1)