36.510. 1. In addition to other duties specified elsewhere in thischapter, it shall be the duty of the director to perform the followingfunctions in all agencies of state government:
(1) Develop, initiate and implement a central training program forpersonnel in agencies of state government and encourage and assist in thedevelopment of such specialized training activities as can best beadministered internally by such individual agencies;
(2) Establish a management trainee program and prescribe rules forthe establishment of a career executive service for the state;
(3) Formulate for approval of the board regulations regardingmandatory training for persons employed in management positions in stateagencies;
(4) Institute, coordinate and direct a statewide program forrecruitment of personnel in cooperation with appointing authorities instate agencies;
(5) Assist all state departments in setting productivity goals and inimplementing a standard system of performance appraisals;
(6) Establish and direct a central labor relations function for thestate which shall coordinate labor relations activities in individual stateagencies, including participation in negotiations and approval ofagreements relating to uniform wages, benefits and those aspects ofemployment which have fiscal impact on the state; and
(7) Formulate rules for approval of the board and establishprocedures and standards relating to position classification andcompensation of employees which are designed to secure essential uniformityand comparability among state agencies.
2. Any person who is employed in a position subject to merit systemregulations and who engaged in a strike or labor stoppage shall be subjectto the penalties provided by law.
(L. 1979 H.B. 673, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1146)