37.075. 1. The office of administration is designated asthe "Missouri State Agency for Surplus Property". It mayacquire, warehouse, and distribute federal surplus property toany and all eligible departments and agencies of the state andlocal government, and to any and all other institutions andorganizations eligible to receive surplus property under PublicLaw 152, 81st Congress, as amended, and under any other lawsenacted by the Congress of the United States which provide forthe disposal of United States government surplus property, andmay otherwise cooperate with the federal government in thetransfer of government surplus property.
2. The state agency for surplus property may take any actionnecessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of this sectionand section 37.080 and it may make the certifications and enterinto the agreements for and on behalf of the state which arenecessary or appropriate under the controlling federal statutesand regulations, and may make regulations necessary for thedisposal of surplus properties.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 2-19)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 160.173)
*Transferred 1978; formerly 161.192