37.079. The commissioner of administration shall reportannually in writing to the appropriations committees of thegeneral assembly regarding the operation of the Missouri stateagency for surplus property, as defined in section 37.075. Thereport shall be submitted by the commissioner as part of theappropriations process for the annual budget of the office ofadministration and shall contain financial information relatingto the operation of the state agency for surplus property forthe preceding fiscal year, including, but not limited to, thetypes and value of property acquired as determined by theagency, the costs for transportation of the property expended bythe agency, the overhead of the agency as a dollar value and asa percentage of property acquired, the method by which suchoverhead is calculated, the value of the property distributed toqualified entities eligible to receive surplus property pursuantto federal law, the value of the property distributed todepartments and agencies of the state, the value of and incomederived from the property disposed of to nonqualified entitiesby sealed bid, the value of the property distributed or disposedof by other means, and the salaries paid and actual expenses andcosts incurred during operation of the state agency for surplusproperty.
(L. 1990 S.B. 816 ยง 1)Effective 7-2-90