37.300. As used in sections 37.300 to 37.390, thefollowing words and terms have the meanings indicated, unlessthe context clearly requires otherwise:
(1) "Agency", each state department, office, board, bureau,commission, or other unit of the executive branch of stategovernment except for the department of conservation, thedepartment of transportation, the department oflabor and industrial relations, and the University of Missouri;
(2) "Form", every piece of paper, transparent plate, orfilm containing information, printed, generated, or reproducedby whatever means, with blank spaces left for the entry ofadditional information to be used in any transaction involvingagencies of the state;
(3) "Forms management", the program maintained by the formsmanagement unit to provide continuity of forms design proceduresfrom the form's origin up to its completion as a record bydetermining the form's size, style and size of type; format;type of construction; number of plies; quality, weight and typeof paper and carbon; and by determining the use of the form fordata entry as well as the distribution;
(4) "Records coordinator", a person designated by an agencyto serve as an information liaison person between the agency andthe unit; and
(5) "Unit", the forms management unit created herein.
(L. 1983 H.B. 96, et al., A.L. 1990 H.B. 1452 merged with S.B. 808)