40.055. General courts-martial have jurisdiction to trypersons subject to sections 40.005 to 40.490 for any offense madepunishable by sections 40.005 to 40.490 and may, under suchlimitations as the governor may prescribe, adjudge any of thefollowing punishments:
(1) A fine of not more than two hundred dollars, orconfinement not more than three months, or both;
(2) Forfeiture of pay and allowances for a period notexceeding six months;
(3) A reprimand;
(4) Dismissal, dishonorable or bad conduct discharge;
(5) Reduction of a noncommissioned officer to any lowerenlisted grade; or
(6) Any combination of these punishments; and
(7) Costs.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1035 ยง 17, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1505)