40.108. 1. Charges and specifications shall constitute aninformation and shall be signed by a person subject to sections40.005 to 40.490 under oath before a person authorized bysections 40.005 to 40.490 to administer oaths and shall state:
(1) That the signer has personal knowledge of, or hasinvestigated, the matters set forth therein; and
(2) That they are true in fact to the best of his knowledgeand belief.
2. Upon the preferring of charges, the proper authorityshall take immediate steps to determine what disposition shouldbe made thereof in the interest of justice and discipline, andthe person accused shall be informed of the charges against himas soon as practicable.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1035 ยง 31, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1505)