40.138. 1. Before performing their respective duties,military judges, members of general and special courts-martial,trial counsel, assistant trial counsel, defense counsel,assistant defense counsel, reporters, and interpreters shall takean oath to perform their duties faithfully. The form of theoath, the time and place of the taking thereof, the manner ofrecording the same, and whether the oath shall be taken for allcases in which these duties are to be performed or for aparticular case, shall be as prescribed in regulations of thegovernor. These regulations may provide that an oath to performfaithfully duties as a military judge, trial counsel, assistanttrial counsel, defense counsel, or assistant defense counsel maybe taken at any time by any judge advocate or other personcertified to be qualified or competent for the duty, and if suchan oath is taken it need not again be taken at the time the judgeadvocate or other person is detailed to that duty.
2. Each witness before a military court shall be examined onoath or affirmation.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1035 ยง 43)