40.455. Fines and costs imposed by a military court may bepaid to it or to an officer executing its process. The amount ofsuch a fine may be noted upon any state roll or account for payof the delinquent and deducted from any pay or allowance due orthereafter to become due him, until the fine is liquidated. Anysum so deducted shall be turned into the military court whichimposed the fine. Any officer collecting a fine or penaltyimposed by a military court upon an officer or enlisted personshall pay it within thirty days to the judge advocate, who shalltransmit the same to the adjutant general. The adjutant generalshall, monthly, deposit all fines and penalties so received withthe state treasurer, to be credited to the general revenue fundof the state.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1035 ยง 129)