40.485. Military judges, military counsel and members ofcourts-martial and courts of inquiry shall be allowedtransportation and per diem pay as per military grade for timeactually employed in the duties assigned them. Transportationshall be furnished to all prosecutors, prisoners, witnesses,sheriffs and police officers to and from the place or placesdesignated for the meetings of such courts. The per diem pay forcivilian witnesses shall be the same as in civil courts of lawand for military personnel the amount as provided by law andregulation. The fees of sheriffs for serving the processesprovided for in sections 40.005 to 40.490 shall be the same asprescribed by law for similar processes of a civil nature andshall, upon proper vouchers being filed, be paid by the adjutantgeneral in the usual manner.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1035 ยง 135)