41.170. The adjutant general shall compile and maintain fromthe original muster rolls in his office and such additionalsources as he can command, a complete alphabetical list of thosepersons who served in the wars of the United States, who at timeof entry into service were residents of the state or territory ofMissouri, and including the War of 1812, the Mexican War, theIndian Wars, the war between the states, the Spanish-AmericanWar, the Philippine War, Mexican Border Service, World War I,World War II, and any subsequent war, and shall include thereinthe military history of each person as complete as can beobtained. In his office shall likewise be kept the colors,standards and battle flags of the troops. He shall furnish acertificate of war service, on request, without charge to anyveteran or lineal descendant of a veteran.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 15016, 15077, 15078, A.L. 1951 p. 654, § 26, A.L. 1959 H.B. 110 § 41.230)Prior revision: 1929 §§ 13823, 13884, 13885