41.212. 1. There is hereby created in the state treasurythe "Missouri National Guard Training Site Fund", which shall beadministered by the adjutant general. All funds received by theadjutant general from fees charged for the use of national guardtraining sites by persons or organizations not connected with theorganized militia shall be transmitted to the director of revenuefor deposit in the fund and shall, upon appropriation by thegeneral assembly, be used by the adjutant general for the solepurpose of training site facility operating costs associated withsuch use. The state treasurer is the custodian of the fund andshall issue warrants from the fund at the request of the adjutantgeneral after approval for payment is made by the commissioner ofadministration.
2. Any unexpended balance in the fund at the end of thefiscal year shall be exempt from the provisions of section33.080, RSMo, relating to the transfer of unexpended balances tothe general revenue fund.
(L. 1994 S.B. 460)Effective 5-10-94