41.220. 1. There shall be a military council consisting ofthe adjutant general as president of the council, generalofficers, the commanding officers of all brigades, wings, orgroups, and any other officer or officers the adjutant generalmay deem desirable or necessary, and an officer appointed by theadjutant general from his office to act as recorder without vote.The senior United States Army and United States Air Forceadvisors on duty with the organized state militia, thecomptroller of the state military forces and the United StatesProperty and Fiscal Officer shall be ex officio members withoutvote. The adjutant general shall appoint the members of themilitary council on general orders annually. These orders willbe amended as necessary. Members of the military council shallreceive actual and necessary expenses for attending meetingsthereof.
2. It shall be the duty of this council to act in anadvisory capacity to the commander in chief on all matters placedbefore it by the governor, the adjutant general or any member ofthe council and to submit recommendations thereon to thegovernor, which shall become effective only upon his approval.The military council shall determine and authorize the number ofregular and temporary employees necessary to the administrationand supply of the military forces and fix the pay and allowancesof the employees within the limitations of appropriations. Itshall be the further duty of the council to make recommendationson the needs of the militia for legislative appropriations, andno request for appropriations of public money for the support ofthe militia, other than a request by the governor or by a memberof the general assembly, shall be made without the recommendationof the council being noted thereon for the information of thegovernor and the legislature. All appropriations made formilitary purposes shall be apportioned and expended by thecouncil. Vouchers and accounts covering the expenditure of fundsand appropriations for the support of the militia shall beapproved and paid only when fully itemized, certified andapproved by the president of the council.
3. The council shall meet quarterly at the City of Jeffersonat such time as the president shall designate. Special meetingsmay be called by the governor or the president of the council atany time or place designated. A majority of the members of thecouncil on duty within the state shall constitute a quorum forthe transaction of its business. The council shall keep full anddetailed records of its proceedings. The president of thecouncil in an unusual emergency is authorized to poll the membersof the military council and require them to cast their votethrough whatever means of communications are available to themand the action taken in that manner shall have the same force andeffect as a quarterly or special meeting when the poll willexpedite recommendations on and furnish advice in the conduct ofthe affairs of the militia of this state to a better state ofpreparedness.
(RSMo 1939 § 15017, A.L. 1951 p. 654 § 32, A.L. 1972 H.B. 599)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13824; 1919 § 7352