41.230. 1. There shall be a United States property anddisbursing officer to be appointed or assigned as may be providedin federal regulations for the government of the national guardand air national guard of the United States.
2. He shall be provided with adequate office facilitieslocated at Jefferson City or at the site of the principalmilitary warehouses or training grounds for the national guard aswill in the judgment of the adjutant general best serve the needsof the organized militia.
3. Said United States property and disbursing officer shallsecure, receive, disburse, issue and account for all UnitedStates funds, arms, uniforms, equipment and supplies as arerequested by the governor for use of the organized militia. Heshall maintain complete and accurate records, in the mannerprescribed by federal regulations, of all funds and propertygranted or loaned to the state for use of the organized militiaand such records shall constitute the official records of thefederally owned military property for which the state shall beresponsible to the United States. He shall perform suchadditional duties and exercise such powers and authority as maybe vested in him by federal regulations, or as may be assigned bythe adjutant general. He shall be provided such assistants,clerical, stenographic, shop, technical and warehouse personnelas may be necessary to the proper discharge of his duties.
4. Officer personnel and other employees shall receive suchsalaries as the adjutant general determines; provided that statefunds shall be used for salaries or other expense of the officeof the United States property and disbursing officer only to theextent federal funds therefor are not available.
(RSMo 1939 § 15016, A.L. 1951 p. 654 § 29)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13823; 1919 § 7351