41.240. 1. All officers shall be appointed uponrecommendations submitted through military channels and shall becommissioned by the governor. All appointments of officers shallbe made and all vacancies shall be filled in the manner providedby the laws and regulations of the United States armed forces,applicable to the branch of service concerned, provided that theappointment of general officers shall be by and with the adviceand consent of the senate.
2. All officers, commissioned, warrant and flight, shalltake the oath of office prescribed by the laws of the UnitedStates relating to the appointment and recognition of federallyrecognized officers of the organized militia and in additionthereto any other oath prescribed by law.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 15027, 15029, 15061, 15093, A.L. 1951 p. 654 §§ 38, 39, A.L. 1953 p. 561)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 13834, 13836, 13868, 13892; 1919 §§ 7362, 7364, 7383, 9135