41.270. All officers of the organized militia shall givebonds and security as may be required and within the timeprescribed by the adjutant general to secure the state againstloss on account of misuse or misapplication of state or companyproperty or funds, or property or funds of the United States inuse by the state. Such bonds shall be conditioned upon thefaithful performance of all duties and the accounting for allproperty and moneys, including organization funds, for which theobligee is responsible or accountable. The adjutant general may,in lieu of the foregoing, enter into an agreement, conditioned inlike terms and for the same purpose, with a qualified suretycompany to bond all officers of the organized militia withoutspecifically naming them. The premiums on bonds shall be chargedto funds appropriated for the support of the organized militia.
(L. 1951 p. 654 ยง 40)