41.280. 1. An officer receiving public property formilitary purposes shall be accountable for the article soreceived by him until the same is disposed of by law or theorders of the governor, and until his accounts be examined andfound correct the accountability of such officer or his estateshall not be affected in any way by resignation, discharge,change in official position or death.
2. Upon the death or desertion of any officer responsiblefor public property, his immediate superior officer shall at oncecause the property for which such officer was responsible to becollected and a correct inventory to be made, which shall at oncebe forwarded to the governor.
3. Suits for the recovery of any property mentioned in thischapter, or for the value thereof or damages thereto, may bebrought in any court of competent jurisdiction in this state inthe name of the state of Missouri to the use of the officer orsoldier entitled to recovery of same; any amount so recovered inmoney shall be paid into the treasury of the state for thebenefit of the fund applicable to the purposes of the statemilitia.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 15070, 15071, 15072; A.L. 1951 p. 654 § 41)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 13877, 13878, 13879; 1919 §§ 7392, 7393, 7394