41.390. 1. The qualifications for enlistment andreenlistment in the organized militia shall be determined as setforth in section 41.050. The term of enlistment and form of oathshall at all times conform to the requirements of the laws of theUnited States and of this state and the regulations from time totime promulgated for the governing of the armed forces of theUnited States and of this state.
2. Every person who enlists or reenlists shall sign theenlistment papers and take the oath required by the laws andregulations of this state and the United States. Such oath maybe administered by any commissioned officer or warrant officer ofthe organized militia of this state or of the armed forces of theUnited States. Any willful false statement so sworn to isperjury.
(L. 1951 p. 654 ยงยง 58, 59, A.L. 1983 H.B. 73)