41.420. 1. Recorders of deeds of all counties and the cityof St. Louis shall, without charging any fee, record thedischarge of any person who is the holder of a discharge from themilitia upon demand by the holder thereof of the recorder for thecounty, or city, in which the holder is then a resident.
2. Whenever a certified copy or copies of any public recordin the state of Missouri are required to perfect a claim upon thegovernment of the United States or the state of Missouri of anymember of the organized militia or the armed forces of the UnitedStates in service or honorably discharged, or any dependent orlegal representative of such member, such copies shall uponrequest be furnished by the custodian of such records without anyfee or compensation therefor. Any person violating theprovisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 15077, 15078, A.L. 1951 p. 654 §§ 76, 77)Prior revision: 1929 §§ 13884, 13885