41.435. 1. The adjutant general of the state of Missouri may pay outof funds appropriated for purpose as provided in this section to eachindividual who reenlists or extends his or her enlistment in the Missourinational guard the sum equivalent to one month active base pay for eachyear of such reenlistment or extension. Persons who have performed otherprior military service shall not be eligible for such payments. Themaximum payment made to any individual for any one reenlistment orextension shall be the sum equivalent to three months' active base pay,payable in sums of one month active base pay at the beginning of each yearof service. No such payment shall be made until the individualsatisfactorily completes all requirements established by the appropriatestate and federal authorities for reenlistment or extension. Anyreenlistment or extension in the Missouri national guard must beaccomplished within thirty days of the expiration of the precedingenlistment in order for an individual to be eligible for this payment.Any member of the Missouri national guard who fails for any reason, exceptdeath or disability, to complete the period of reenlistment or extensionfor which he or she has received a payment pursuant to the provisions ofthis section shall be required to repay that part of the paymentrepresented by the uncompleted portion of the reenlistment or extensioncontract.
2. The adjutant general shall administer the provisions of thissection.
3. The provisions of this section shall terminate upon the resumptionof inductions by the federal government under the provisions of theUniversal Military Training and Service Act.
(L. 1977 S.B. 124 ยง 1, A.L. 1982 S.B. 715, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1519 & 1165)