41.440. 1. Whenever an officer, warrant officer, flightofficer or enlisted person of the organized militia is on activeduty in the state service under circumstances involving travelwithout troops, he shall receive, in addition to his pay, thenecessary and actual expenses incident to such duty for theperiod of absence from his home station, in accordance withinstructions prescribed by the adjutant general and approved bythe commissioner of administration.
2. Whenever an officer, warrant officer, flight officer orenlisted person of the armed forces of the United States detailedto the state as an instructor of organized militia or in anyother capacity with the organized militia is requested byauthority of the governor to perform special duty involvingtravel not directed by the federal government, such officer,warrant officer, flight officer or enlisted person shall receivethe actual expenses incident to such duty and travel for theperiod of his absence from his home station, in accordance withinstructions prescribed by the adjutant general and approved bythe commissioner of administration.
(L. 1951 p. 654 ยง 66)