41.470. 1. Members of the organized militia, or anyportion or individual thereof, may be ordered to active duty toperform military training or special duty, or to participate insmall arms gunnery competitions in this state or in any otherstate or territory or the District of Columbia, or in any fort,camp, air base, installation or reservation of the United States.Cruise duty ordered for the naval militia may be required to beperformed on United States vessels.
2. Notwithstanding any provisions of this chapter to thecontrary, an officer, warrant officer, flight officer, orenlisted person of the organized militia may be ordered toperform any of the types of military duty prescribed in thischapter or chapter 40, RSMo, pursuant to orders issued bycompetent military, either without his consent, but with the payand allowances provided by law, or with his consent, with orwithout pay and allowances, provided that, necessary travelingexpenses, subsistence and per diem allowances may be furnished tosuch members in accordance with instructions prescribed by theadjutant general and approved by the commissioner ofadministration.
3. With the approval of the governor, the adjutant generalshall administer the provisions of this section and effect ordersto active duty. Orders shall be effective as orders of thegovernor to active duty for purposes of section 40.490, RSMo.
4. Members of the organized militia shall not receive fromthe state the pay and allowances otherwise provided by law foractive duty under this section when eligible for pay andallowances from federal funds, nor are they entitled to paidleaves of absence while on duty under this section for purposesof section 105.270, RSMo.
(L. 1951 p. 654 ยง 11, A.L. 1991 S.B. 358)Effective 6-12-91