41.480. 1. The governor may, when in his opinion thecircumstances so warrant, call out the organized militia or anyportion or individual thereof to execute the laws, suppressactual and prevent threatened insurrection and repel invasion.The governor, if in his judgment the maintenance of law and orderwill thereby be promoted, may by proclamation declare martial lawthroughout the state or any part thereof.
2. The governor may, when in his opinion circumstances sowarrant, call out the organized militia or any portion thereof ashe deems necessary to provide emergency relief to a distressedarea in the event of earthquake, flood, tornado or other actualor threatened public catastrophe creating conditions of distressor hazard to public health and safety beyond the capacities oflocal or other established agencies.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 15018, 15022, 15039, A.L. 1951 p. 654 §§ 12, 13)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 13825, 13829, 13846; 1919 §§ 7353, 7357, 7374