41.560. The governor is hereby authorized, uponrecommendation of the adjutant general of Missouri, to present,in the name of the state of Missouri, a meritorious servicemedal, which shall be of suitable design, as may be determined bythe governor, to individuals who have done and performed valorousor meritorious military service which reflects honorably andcreditably upon the state of Missouri. Not more than onemeritorious military service medal shall be awarded or presentedunder the provisions of this section to any one person, nor shallsuch medal be awarded to or retained by any person whose entireservice subsequent to the valorous or meritorious militaryservice shall not have been honorable. In the event of the deathof any person during or subsequent to the meritorious militaryservice, who, in the opinion of the governor, as recommended bythe adjutant general of Missouri, would be entitled to ameritorious military service medal, the same may be presented toa surviving relative of the deceased in the following order, towit: widow, if not remarried, eldest living son, eldest livingdaughter, father, mother, eldest living brother, eldest livingsister, and eldest living grandchild.
(RSMo 1939 § 15080, A.L. 1951 p. 654 § 78, A.L. 1967 p. 119)