41.580. 1. Any person who is now or may hereafter become amember of the organized militia, and who has served at least tenyears as such, may be designated by the adjutant general ofMissouri, with the approval of the governor, as entitled to aribbon for long and faithful service to be known as the "longservice ribbon", provided such service need not be continuous andservice rendered in any of the armed forces of the United Statesas a result of or in connection with membership in the organizedmilitia of Missouri shall be considered as a part of suchservice. Long service ribbons shall be of such form and designas may be selected by the adjutant general of the state and shallbe authorized ten, fifteen, and twenty years' service.
2. A hawthorn cluster to conform to the official floralemblem of this state to be worn on the long service ribbon shallbe awarded as follows: A bronze cluster for twenty-five years'service, a silver cluster for thirty years' service and a goldcluster for thirty-five years' service or more.
(RSMo 1939 § 15081, A.L. 1951 p. 654 § 80, A.L. 1982 S.B. 715)Effective 4-30-82