41.944. 1. Any member of the armed forces of the UnitedStates who is on active duty, and any member of the Missouri armyor air national guard serving on full-time duty or as a civilservice technician with a Missouri army or air national guardunit who is a tenant under a lease of a residential dwelling may,pursuant to subsection 2 of this section, terminate such leasewith the member's lessor if the member:
(1) Receives permanent change of station orderstransferring the member to another duty station;
(2) Receives temporary duty orders in excess of ninety daysduration assigning the member to another location which is atleast twenty-five miles from the site of the leased residentialpremises;
(3) Is discharged or released from active duty with thearmed forces of the United States or from the member's full-timeduty or technician status with the Missouri army or air nationalguard; or
(4) Is ordered to reside in government supplied quarters.
2. Lessees who qualify to terminate a residential leaseagreement pursuant to subsection 1 of this section shall do so byserving the lessor written notice of termination to be effectiveon a date stated thereon, which shall not be less than fifteendays after the date of such service. Prior to the terminationdate, the lessee shall furnish the lessor with a copy of theofficial orders or a signed letter confirming the orders from thelessee's commanding officer.
3. The final lease payment due under the terminated leaseshall be provided by the effective date of termination and shallbe payable at such time as would have otherwise been required bythe terms of the lease. The lessee shall be entitled to the fullreturn of any security deposit and pet deposit, if any, if suchmember has otherwise complied with the requirements of the leaseand of section 535.300, RSMo.
(L. 1991 S.B. 358 ยง 2)Effective 6-12-91