42.121. 1. All moneys received by the Missouri veterans'homes or any officer thereof from any source whatsoever shall betransmitted promptly to the state treasurer by the commission fordeposit in the state treasury to the credit of the Missouriveterans' homes fund, which fund and all interest earned shall bemaintained solely for the use of the Missouri veterans' homes.All interest earned from deposit of money in the Missouriveterans' homes fund shall be deposited to the credit of theMissouri veterans' homes fund and shall not be credited togeneral revenue.
2. The unexpended balance in the Missouri veterans' homesfund at the end of the biennium shall not be transferred to theordinary revenue fund of the state treasury and shall be exemptfrom the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, relating to transferof funds to the ordinary revenue funds of the state by the statetreasurer.
(L. 1989 H.B. 850)CROSS REFERENCE:
Gaming commission fund to transfer moneys to the Missouri veterans' homes fund, when, RSMo 313.835