42.135. 1. There is established in the state treasury a special trustfund, to be known as the "Veterans' Trust Fund". The state treasurer shallcredit to and deposit in the veterans' trust fund all amounts received undersection 143.1001, RSMo, and any other amounts which may be received fromgrants, gifts, bequests, the federal government, or other sources granted orgiven for this specific purpose.
2. The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the veterans' trust fundin the same manner as surplus state funds are invested pursuant to section30.260, RSMo. All earnings resulting from the investment of moneys in theveterans' trust fund shall be credited to the veterans' trust fund.
3. Until the amount in the veterans' trust fund exceeds one milliondollars, not more than one-half of the money deposited in the veterans' trustfund each year from contributions made under section 143.1001, RSMo, plus allearnings from the investment of moneys in the trust fund credited during theprevious fiscal year, shall be available for disbursement by the commission inaccordance with sections 42.002 to 42.135 and section 143.1001, RSMo. Whenthe state treasurer certifies that the assets in the veterans' trust fundexceed one million dollars, then, from that time on, all credited earningsplus all future annual deposits to the fund from contributions made undersection 143.1001, RSMo, shall be available for disbursement by the commissionwithin the limits of appropriations and for the purposes provided by sections42.002 to 42.135 and section 143.1001, RSMo. The general assembly mayappropriate moneys annually from the veterans' trust fund to the department ofrevenue to offset costs incurred for collecting and transferring funds undersection 143.1001, RSMo. Moneys appropriated to the department of revenue forsuch costs shall be reasonable and shall not exceed five percent of therevenues credited to the fund pursuant to subsections 1 and 2 of this sectionduring the preceding fiscal year.
4. Except as provided in subsection 5 of this section, fundsappropriated by the general assembly from the veterans' trust fund shall onlybe used by the commission for purposes authorized under sections 42.002 to42.135 and section 143.1001, RSMo, and shall not be used to supplant anyexisting program or service.
5. Funds received from gifts, bequests, contributions other thancontributions made pursuant to section 143.1001, RSMo, grants, and federalfunds may be used and expended by the commission for such purposes as may bespecified in any requirements, terms or conditions attached thereto or, in theabsence of any specific requirements, terms or conditions, as the commissionmay determine for any lawful purpose.
6. The provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, requiring all unexpendedbalances remaining in various state funds to be transferred and placed to thecredit of the ordinary revenue fund of this state at the end of each bienniumshall not apply to the veterans' trust fund.
(L. 1989 H.B. 850, A.L. 1993 H.B. 592)CROSS REFERENCE:
Donation of a portion of income tax refund to veterans' trust fund, RSMo 143.1001