42.175. 1. Except as otherwise provided in sections 42.170 to42.185, the adjutant general of the state of Missouri shall administersections 42.170 to 42.185, and may adopt all rules and regulationsnecessary to administer the provisions of sections 42.170 to 42.185. Norule or portion of a rule promulgated pursuant to sections 42.170 to 42.185shall become effective unless promulgated pursuant to chapter 536, RSMo.
2. The adjutant general shall determine as expeditiously as possiblethe persons who are entitled to a medallion, medal and a certificatepursuant to sections 42.170 to 42.185 and distribute the medallions, medalsand the certificates as provided in sections 42.170 to 42.185.Applications for the medallion, medal and the certificate shall be filedwith the office of the adjutant general at any time after January 1, 2001,on forms prescribed and furnished by the adjutant general's office. Theadjutant general shall approve all applications that are in order, andshall cause a medallion, medal and a certificate to be prepared for eachapproved veteran in the form created by the veterans' commission pursuantto section 42.180. The medallion, medal, and certificates shall be awardeduntil the supply of medallions, medals, and certificates is exhausted. Theadjutant general shall notify the general assembly when such supply totalsless than one hundred.
3. The following persons may apply for a medallion, medal andcertificate pursuant to sections 42.170 to 42.185:
(1) Any veteran who is entitled to a medallion, medal and certificatepursuant to sections 42.170 to 42.185;
(2) Any spouse or eldest living survivor of a veteran who is entitledto a medallion, medal and certificate pursuant to sections 42.170 to 42.185but who died prior to having made application for such medallion, medal andcertificate.
4. If any spouse or eldest living survivor applies for the medallion,medal and certificate pursuant to subsection 3 of this section or if anyveteran dies after applying for a medallion or medal and a certificatepursuant to sections 42.170 to 42.185 and such veteran would have beenentitled to the medallion, medal and the certificate, the adjutant generalshall give the medallion, medal and the certificate to the spouse or eldestliving survivor of the deceased veteran.
5. If the adjutant general disallows any veteran's claim to amedallion, medal and a certificate pursuant to sections 42.170 to 42.185, astatement of the reason for the disallowance shall be filed with theapplication and notice of this disallowance shall be mailed to theapplicant at the applicant's last known address.
(L. 2000 S.B. 961 ยง 42.185, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1398 merged with H.B. 1399, A.L. 2003 S.B. 219, A.L. 2005 H.B. 163, et al.)Effective 6-22-05