43.408. 1. Upon notification by the patrol of a child'sdisappearance, a school in which the child is currently or waspreviously enrolled shall mark the record of that child in such amanner that whenever a copy of or information regarding therecord is requested, the school shall be alerted to the fact thatthe record is that of a missing child. The school shallimmediately report to the missing persons unit of the highwaypatrol any request concerning marked records or knowledge as tothe whereabouts of any missing child.
2. Within fourteen days after enrolling a transfer student,the elementary or secondary school personnel shall requestdirectly from the student's previous school a certified copy ofhis record. The requesting school shall exercise due diligencein obtaining the copy of the record requested. Any elementary orsecondary school requested to forward a copy of a transferringstudent's record to the new school shall comply unless the recordhas been marked pursuant to subsection 1 of this section, inwhich case the copy shall not be forwarded and the requestedschool shall notify the missing persons unit of the highwaypatrol of the request.
(L. 1988 H.B. 1272, et al.)