46.059. Beginning in the middle of the main channel of theMissouri River, opposite the mouth of Moniteau Creek; thence upsaid creek to the line between townships forty-eight andforty-nine; thence in a direct line to the northeast corner oftownship fifty-one of range fourteen, west; thence east with thetownship line between townships fifty-one and fifty-two to thenortheast corner of section two of township fifty-one of rangeeleven, west; thence south with the subdivisional lines to thesoutheast corner of section thirty-five of township fifty, rangeeleven, west; thence west with the township lines betweentownships forty-nine and fifty to the middle of the main fork ofCedar Creek; thence down Cedar Creek, in the middle of the mainchannel thereof, to the most southern crossing of said creek bythe range line between ranges eleven and twelve; thence southwith said range line to the middle of the main channel of theMissouri River; thence up said river, in the middle of the mainchannel thereof, to the beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13553)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11894; 1919 § 9296; 1909 § 3513