46.061. Beginning at the point where the section line dividing sectionsone and twelve, in township twenty-six, range seven, east, crosses the middleof the main channel of the St. Francis River; thence due west on section linesto the range line dividing ranges three and four, east; thence south alongsaid range line to the southwest corner of section nineteen, townshiptwenty-six, north, of range four, east; thence east along the section line tothe southeast corner of said section nineteen; thence south along the sectionline to the southwest corner of section seventeen, township twenty-five,north, of range four, east; thence east along the section line to thesouthwest corner of section fifteen, township twenty-five, north, of rangefour, east; thence south along the section line to township line betweentownships twenty-three and twenty-four; thence east along said township lineto the northwest corner of section one in township twenty-three, north, ofrange four, east; thence south along the section line to the township linebetween townships twenty-two and twenty-three, north; thence east to the rangeline dividing the ranges four and five, east; thence south with said rangeline to the southern boundary line of the state; thence east along thesouthern boundary of the state to the middle of the main channel of the St.Francis River; thence up the middle of the main channel thereof to the placeof beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13598)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11939; 1919 § 9341; 1909 § 3558