46.064. Beginning in the middle of the main channel of theOsage River, where the range line between ranges fifteen andsixteen intersects the same; thence up the Osage, to a pointwhere the northern line of section thirty-six, township forty,range seventeen intersects the same; thence west with thesubdivisional lines to the middle of the main channel of the saidOsage River; thence up said river to a point where the range linebetween ranges nineteen and twenty intersects the same; thencesouth with said range line to the southwest corner of townshipthirty-seven, range nineteen, west; thence east with the townshipline between townships thirty-six and thirty-seven to the top ofthe ridge dividing the waters of the Dry Auglaize from the WetAuglaize; thence southeast on the middle of said ridge separatingthe waters of the Wet Auglaize from Bear Creek to a point wherethe top of said ridge bears in a northeasterly direction; thencein a northeasterly direction on the middle of said ridge until itstrikes the range line between ranges thirteen and fourteen;thence north with the said range line to the northeast corner ofsection twenty-four, township thirty-eight, range fourteen, west;thence west with the subdivisional lines to the southwest cornerof section eighteen of said township; thence north on the rangeline between ranges fourteen and fifteen to the northeast cornerof section thirteen, township thirty-eight, range fifteen; thencewest to the northwest corner of section thirteen; thence north tothe northeast corner of section eleven; thence west to thenortheast corner of section ten; thence north to the northeastcorner of section three, and on township line between townshipsthirty-eight and thirty-nine; thence west on said township lineto the southeast corner of section thirty-three, townshipthirty-nine, range fifteen, west; thence north on section line tothe northeast corner of section twenty-eight; thence west to thenortheast corner of section twenty-nine; thence north to thenortheast corner of section twenty; thence west on section lineone-half mile to the quarter section corner between sectionsseventeen and twenty; thence north through the middle of sectionsseventeen and eight to the north boundary of section eight;thence west one-half mile to the northeast corner of sectionseven; thence north to the northeast corner of section six;thence west to the southwest corner of section thirty-one,township forty, range fifteen, and thence north along range linebetween range fifteen and range sixteen to place of beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13599)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11940; 1919 § 9342; 1909 § 3559