46.065. Beginning in the middle of the main channel of theMississippi River, opposite the mouth of Apple Creek; thence tothe mouth of said creek; thence up said creek to the line betweentownships thirty-three and thirty-four, at or near where the saidtownship line is intersected by the section line dividingsections thirty-three and thirty-four, in township thirty-four,range eleven, east; thence west with said line to the northwestcorner of section five, township thirty-three, range eleven,east; thence south with the subdivisional lines to the southwestcorner of section thirty-two, township twenty-nine, range eleven,east; thence east with the township line between townshipstwenty-eight and twenty-nine to the middle of the west fork ofWhite Water River, where the township line between townshipstwenty-eight and twenty-nine, north, range twelve, east, crossessaid creek; thence to the southeast corner of section thirty-one,township twenty-nine, north, range twelve, east; thence to thenortheast corner of said section thirty-one; thence east to thenortheast corner of section thirty-three, in said township andrange; thence north to the southwest corner of sectiontwenty-two, in the same township and range; thence east to thesoutheast corner of said section twenty-two; thence north to thesouthwest corner of section eleven, in the same township andrange; thence east to the southeast corner of said sectioneleven; thence north to the southwest corner of section one, insaid township and range; thence east to the southeast corner ofsaid section one; thence to the northwest corner of the southwestquarter of section six, township twenty-nine, north, rangethirteen, east; thence east to the northeast corner of thesoutheast quarter of said section six; thence north to thenortheast corner of said section six; thence east to thesoutheast corner of section thirty-two, in township thirty,north, of range thirteen, east; thence north to the northeastcorner of said section thirty-two; thence east to the southeastcorner of section twenty-seven, in said township and range;thence north to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter ofsaid section twenty-seven; thence east to the northeast corner ofthe southeast quarter of section twenty-five, in said townshipand range; thence north to the southwest corner of sectionnineteen, in township thirty, north, of range fourteen, east;thence east to the northwest corner of section twenty-nine, abovestated township and range; thence south 86 degrees 58 minutes 58seconds east along the north line of said section twenty-nine, adistance of 2,182.97 feet to the center of Cape La Croix (LaCruche) Creek, thence south 47 degrees 17 minutes 53 secondseast, 1022.85 feet; thence south 1 degree 31 minutes 55 secondseast, 675.86 feet; thence north 84 degrees 8 minutes 44 secondseast, 1047.81 feet; thence north 52 degrees 6 minutes 0.0 secondseast, 1329.28 feet; thence south 26 degrees 5 minutes 12 secondseast, 877.54 feet; thence north 88 degrees 43 minutes 24 secondseast, 643.47 feet; thence north 55 degrees 40 minutes 03 secondseast, 592.98 feet; thence north 31 degrees 44 minutes 26 secondseast, 973.54 feet; thence south 58 degrees 51 minutes 45 secondseast, 1748.11 feet; thence north 26 degrees 20 minutes 57 secondseast, 572.69 feet; thence north 88 degrees 23 minutes 16 secondseast, 1429.32 feet; thence south 88 degrees 59 minutes 1 secondseast, 504.91 feet; thence north 50 degrees 16 minutes 9 secondseast, 487.39 feet; thence north 9 degrees 27 minutes 15 secondseast, 351.59 feet; thence continuing north 9 degrees 27 minutes15 seconds east, to the Mississippi River, thence to the middleof the main channel of the Mississippi River; thence up theMississippi River, in the middle of the main channel thereof, tothe place of beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13600, A.L. 1984 S.B. 741)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11941; 1919 § 9343; 1909 § 3560