46.068. Beginning in the middle of the main channel of GrandRiver, where the range line between ranges twenty-eight andtwenty-nine intersects the same; thence north to the northeastcorner of section thirty-six of township forty-four, rangetwenty-nine, west; thence west with the subdivisional lines tothe southwest corner of section twenty-seven of townshipforty-four, range twenty-nine, west; thence north with thesubdivisional lines to the northwest corner of section three oftownship forty-six, range twenty-nine, west; thence west with thetownship line between townships forty-six and forty-seven to thewestern boundary line of the state; thence south with saidboundary line of the state to where the line between townshipsforty-two and forty-three intersects the same; thence east withsaid township line to the middle of the main channel of GrandRiver; thence down said river in the middle of the main channelthereof to the place of beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13602)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11943; 1919 § 9345; 1909 § 3562