46.084. Beginning at the northwest corner of New MadridCounty, in the middle of township twenty-three, north, in rangeten, east of the fifth principal meridian; thence due west withthe section lines to the middle of the main channel of the St.Francis River; thence down the middle of the main channel of saidriver, with the meanderings thereof, to where said river crossesthe line between the states of Missouri and Arkansas; thence eastwith said state line on the parallel of latitude thirty-sixdegrees and thirty minutes, to the middle of the main channel ofsaid St. Francis River where it crosses the state line at thesoutheast corner of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six,in township twenty-two, north, in range eight, east of the fifthprincipal meridian; thence down the middle of the main channel ofsaid St. Francis River, with the meanderings thereof, to theextreme south boundary of the state of Missouri; thence due eastto the southwest corner of Pemiscot County; thence with thewestern boundary line of Pemiscot County to the southwest cornerof New Madrid County; thence with the western boundary line ofNew Madrid County to the place of beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13612)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11953; 1919 § 9355; 1909 § 3572