46.094. Beginning in the middle of the main channel of theMissouri River, opposite the mouth of Moniteau Creek; thence upsaid creek to the line between townships forty-eight andforty-nine; thence in a direct line to the northeast corner oftownship fifty-one of range fourteen, west; thence in a directline to a point one and a half miles west of the northeast cornerof township fifty-two of range seventeen, west; thence in adirect line to a point in the middle of the main channel of theMissouri River, where the line between sections seventeen andtwenty, township fifty-one, range seventeen, west, intersects thesame, and thence down the same, in the middle of the main channelthereof, varying, however, if necessary, so as to include thefirst island below the city of Boonville, to the place ofbeginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13568)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11909; 1919 § 9311; 1909 § 3528