46.096. Beginning at the northeast corner of sectiontwenty-four, in township thirty-four, north, range four, east;thence west to the northwest corner of section nineteen, townshipthirty-four, range four, east; thence north to the northeastcorner of section twenty-four, township thirty-five, range three,east; thence west with the subdivisional lines to the northwestcorner of section twenty-two, township thirty-five, range two,west; thence south to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-four, township thirty-four, range two, west; thence eastto the southeast corner of section thirty-six, townshipthirty-four, range two, east; thence south with the line dividingranges two and three, east, to the southwest corner of sectionseven, township thirty-one, range three, east; thence east to thesouthwest corner of section eight, same township and range;thence south with the subdivisional lines to the southwest cornerof section seventeen, township thirty, range three, east; thenceeast to the southeast corner of section thirteen, townshipthirty, range four, east; thence north with the line dividingranges four and five, east, to the place of beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13619)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11960; 1919 § 9362; 1909 § 3579