46.116. Beginning in the middle of the main channel of theMississippi River, opposite the center of section sixteen, intownship twenty-three, north, of range number sixteen, east;thence north through the center of said section to the northernline of the same; thence with the New Madrid County line to thenortheast corner of section thirty-four, township twenty-six,north, of range number fourteen, east; thence north to thenortheast corner of section twenty-seven, same township andrange; thence to the southeast corner of section twenty-three;thence to the northeast corner of section fourteen; thence to thesoutheast corner of section seven, township twenty-six, rangenumber fifteen, east; thence to the northeast corner of sectionsix; thence to the northeast corner of section four; thence tothe northeast corner of section thirty-three, townshiptwenty-seven, range number fifteen, east; thence to the northeastcorner of section thirty-four; thence to the northeast corner ofsection twenty-seven; thence to the northeast corner of sectiontwenty-five; thence to the northeast corner of section thirteen;thence in a northeastwardly course to the middle of sectioneight, township twenty-seven, range number sixteen, east; thencenorth through the middle of section eight; thence east to themiddle of the main channel of the Mississippi River; thence downthe main channel of the Mississippi River to the place ofbeginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13631)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11972; 1919 § 9374; 1909 § 3591