46.121. Beginning in the middle of the main channel of theMississippi River, due south of the center of section sixteen, intownship twenty-three, north, range sixteen, east; thence norththrough the center of said section to the northern boundarythereof; thence with the line as now established by law to thenortheast corner of section two, in township twenty-five, north,range fourteen, east; thence north to the northeast corner of thesoutheast quarter of section twenty-six, in township twenty-sixnorth, range fourteen, east; thence west through the center ofsections twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight and twenty-nineto the eastern boundary of survey number one thousand andthirty-two, originally granted to Moses Hurley; thencenorthwardly to the northeast corner of said survey; thencewestwardly with the northern boundary of said survey ten hundredand thirty-two to the northeast corner of survey number elevenhundred and nine; thence westwardly along the northern boundaryof said survey number eleven hundred and nine to the northwestcorner of the same; thence southwardly along the western boundaryof said survey number eleven hundred and nine to the southwestcorner of the same; thence westwardly along the northern boundaryof survey number six hundred and thirty-five to the northwestcorner of the same; thence southwardly along the western boundaryof said survey six hundred and thirty-five to the intersection ofthe line between sections twenty-five and thirty-six, in townshiptwenty-six, north, in range thirteen, east; thence west along thesection line to the range line between ranges twelve andthirteen, east; thence south with the range line to the center oftownship twenty-three, north, range twelve, east; thence westacross the swamp to the edge of the highlands; thence south withthe edge of the highlands to the Pemiscot County line; thencewith the line as now established by law to the place ofbeginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11975; 1919 § 9377; 1909 § 3594