46.123. Beginning in the middle of the main channel ofNodaway River, where it is intersected by the township linebetween townships sixty-one and sixty-two; thence up said river,in the middle of the main channel thereof, to the mouth of thebrook in what is known by the name of Roland Grove; thence westto a point on the northern line of Holt County, where it isintersected by the subdivisional line dividing range thirty-eightinto two equal parts; thence northward on said subdivisional lineto the northern line of township sixty-five; thence westward onsaid township line to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-four, in township sixty-six, north, of range thirty-eight,west; thence northward on said subdivisional line dividing rangethirty-eight in two equal parts to the northern boundary of thestate; thence east with said boundary line to the westernboundary line of Worth County; thence south on said line to thesouthwest corner of Worth County; thence east to the northwestcorner of Gentry County; thence south on said line to thetownship line between townships sixty-one and sixty-two; thencewest with the township line between townships sixty-one andsixty-two to the place of beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13579)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11920; 1919 § 9322; 1909 § 3539