46.128. Beginning in the middle of the main channel of theMississippi River, due east of the mouth of Apple Creek; thenceup and along said creek, pursuing the west or principal forkthereof, to the line between townships thirty-three andthirty-four, at or near where said township line is intersectedby the section line dividing sections thirty-three andthirty-four, in township thirty-four, range eleven, east; thencewest with said township line to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-four, township thirty-four, range eight, east; thencenorth with the subdivisional lines to the southwest corner ofsection fifteen, township thirty-four, range eight, east; thencein a direct line to the southwest corner of section one, townshipthirty-four, range eight, east; thence in a direct line to theprincipal forks of Saline Creek; thence in a direct line to themouth of St. Laurent Creek; thence in a direct line to the middleof the main channel of the Mississippi River; thence down saidriver in the middle of the main channel thereof, to the place ofbeginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13640)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11981; 1919 § 9383; 1909 § 3600