72.060. Any city, town or village within this state, nowincorporated under the provisions of this chapter, or under anyspecial or local law, as a village, town or city, either of thesecond, third or fourth classes, as classified in said chapter,and in which the citizens thereof desire incorporation as avillage, town or city of a higher class, and believe that sincethe taking of the last census, state or national, there has beensufficient increase in population to entitle it to such desiredincorporation, may, by authority of an ordinance, and at theexpense of such village, town or city, cause to be taken a censusof its population, and should such census, when so taken, showthat the village, town or city taking the same, has the requisitepopulation to entitle it to the right to become incorporated as avillage, town or city of the higher class, then such village,town or city may proceed to secure such incorporation as itspopulation may then entitle it to, under and by authority of theprovisions of this chapter; provided, that cities or towns thathave permitted their organization to become dormant orineffective, through a failure to elect corporate officers orlevy a corporate tax for the two years immediately preceding,may, by a petition of the majority of the taxpayers of such cityor town to the county commission, have an enumeration taken andbe assigned to its proper class; and thereupon the countycommission shall appoint the proper officers for such city ortown, who shall hold their office until the next municipalelection thereafter and until their successors are elected andqualified.
(RSMo 1939 § 6222, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6100; 1919 § 7620; 1909 § 8534