72.070. Any city, town or village in this state, existing byvirtue of the present general law, or by any local or speciallaw, may elect to become a city of the class to which itspopulation would entitle it under the provisions of sections72.030 to 72.140, or who may elect to become a city of a class towhich it may be eligible as otherwise provided by section 72.040or section 72.050 shall proceed by passing an ordinance orproposition, and submitting the same to the legal voters of suchcity, town or village, at an election to be held for thatpurpose, not less than twenty days nor more than thirty daysafter the passage of such ordinance or proposition; and if amajority of such voters voting at such election shall ratify suchordinance or proposition, the mayor or chief officer of suchcity, town, or village shall issue his proclamation, declaringthe result of such election, and thereafter such city, town, orvillage shall, by virtue of such vote, be incorporated under theprovisions of the general law providing for the government of theclass to which such city belongs. Whenever any village shallelect to become a city of the class to which it is entitled, theofficers of such village, until new officers shall be elected andqualified, shall be the officers of such city, with the powersand functions corresponding to the powers and functions of theofficers of the former village, the chairman of the board oftrustees to act as mayor and the remaining trustees to act asaldermen, with the power to divide the city into wards and tocall an election of officers of such city and to submit to thevoters of such city in the manner provided by law such othermatters or propositions as they may deem proper and as may beauthorized by law. Any city eligible for more than oneclassification shall alter that classification pursuant to theprocedure contained in this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 6217, A.L. 1957 p. 249, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1120)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6095; 1919 § 7615; 1909 § 8529