72.163. 1. A petition for consolidation shall contain thefollowing:
(1) The names of the municipalities to be consolidated;
(2) The proposed effective date of consolidation;
(3) The number of votes cast in the last municipal election;
(4) A statement that all signers are registered voters inthe affected municipality;
(5) The form of government, the name of the municipality asconsolidated and the details of transition, such as whichofficers will serve, which employees shall be retained, whattaxes will be collected, what ordinances will be in effect andsimilar matters for the operation of the consolidatedmunicipality until the new governing body provides otherwise, maybe included, but are not required.
2. All persons signing the petition for consolidation shalldesignate their address opposite their signatures, and saidsignatures shall be affixed before a person who shall certify, byaffidavit acknowledged before a notary public, that saidsignatures were affixed in his or her presence.
(L. 1961 p. 193 ยง 72.151, A.L. 1963 p. 128, A.L. 1975 H.B. 641)