72.167. 1. When the petition for a proposed consolidationof municipalities originates from a group of citizens within amunicipality to be included in the proposal, the petition shallbe filed with the governing body of the municipality affected.The governing body of the municipality shall then have ninetydays, from the filing of the petition, to study and investigatethe proposal and endorse thereon their approval or disapproval.In either alternative, the governing body shall forward thepetition with a certification of the municipality's clerk,stating the action taken by the governing body, to the countycommission. The certification may, but shall not be required to,contain reasons for approval or disapproval of the petition, butwhether approved or disapproved, the certification shall alsocontain the following information:
(1) A statement that the names of signers fulfill statutoryrequirements as to number, residence and qualification to vote;
(2) A statement as to the number and amounts of all bondissues in the municipality, and the amount owing upon each;
(3) A copy of the last annual financial report required bystatute to be published by the municipality;
(4) A statement as to the current tax rate of themunicipality;
(5) A statement listing the locations of municipally ownedreal estate, indicating whether improved or unimproved.
2. In the event that the governing body of the municipalityshall not take action approving or disapproving the petition forconsolidation within ninety days from receipt thereof, it shallbe deemed rejected and the municipality's clerk shall within fivedays forward the petition to the county commission noting thefact in the certification.
(L. 1961 p. 193 ยง 72.158)