77.010. Any city of the third class in this state may becomea body corporate under the provisions of this chapter, in themanner provided by law, under the name of "The city of .....",and by that name shall have perpetual succession, may sue and besued, implead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in allcourts of law and equity, and in all actions whatever; mayreceive and hold property, both real and personal, within suchcity, and may purchase, receive and hold real estate within orwithout such city for the burial of the dead; and may purchase,hold, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of any property, real orpersonal, it now owns or may hereafter acquire; may receivebequests, gifts and donations of all kinds of property; and mayhave and hold one common seal, and may break, change or alter thesame at pleasure, and all courts of this state shall takejudicial notice thereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 6865)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6719; 1919 § 8206; 1909 § 9143
Cities of the third class, population, RSMo 72.030