77.048. Except as provided in sections 77.042 to 77.048, themayor and city council of any third class city and the mayor andboard of aldermen of any fourth class city which adopts the cityadministrator form of government shall retain all the powersgiven to it by the laws applying to the city before the cityadministrator form of government was adopted, and all lawsgoverning the city under its prior form of government and notinconsistent with the provisions of sections 77.042 to 77.048shall apply to and govern the city after it adopts this form ofgovernment. All bylaws, ordinances, and resolutions lawfullypassed and in force at the time the city administrator form ofgovernment is adopted shall remain in force until repealed oraltered by the council or board of aldermen.
(L. 1969 H.B. 284 ยง 4)